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Eastside Runners Club

The Seattle area running club for every type of runner

40 years running (founded 1981)

ESR Saturday Morning Run - North Bend Loop

  • January 25, 2020
  • 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Torguson Park, 750 E North Bend Way, North Bend

Run Leader  Beth Wengrow

Parking  Torguson Park.  

Meetup Location  Next to the parking lot

Restrooms Torguson Park buildings

Breakfast  North Bend Bar & Grill, 145 E North Bend Way, North Bend


There are two routes of about 2.8 and 7 miles.  For additional miles you can add out and back along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail (SVT) at the end of the run.   Surface:  Asphalt or concrete initially and then the last 1 mile of the 2.8, or 3 miles of the 7, on gravel trail.

North Bend Loop - 7 miler:

North Bend Mini - 2.8 mi:

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